The Five-Layer Method: Enneagram workbook course
The Five-Layer Method: Enneagram workbook course
Use the Enneagram personality tool to create dynamic characters with this stunning, digital course! Start with one of the nine Enneagram personality types described in this notebook. Then, explore and create five layers of your character: Persona, Burden, Longing, Lie, and Wound. This workbook is a follow-up to The Five Layer Method, but the courses can be taken in any order.
Using either PowerPoint or Google Slides (available with any free Gmail account), you’ll type directly onto your digital pages. When you’re finished with the course, simply delete the instructional pages, and you’ll be left with a detailed guide to your character. Make a copy of your digital file so that you can use your workbook again and again to create multiple characters.
“I’ve been struggling for months to make any headway on my work-in-progress, but your approach to characters has unlocked my story for me in a whole new way. I’m finally feeling some story magic flowing again and I am super grateful.”